Review by Stephen Grigg
Originally a 1996 film by Mark Herman, Paul Allen later adapted it for stage.
Director Phil Gascoyne makes an immediate impact as the audience are plunged into darkness simulating a deep
coalmine with all the accompanying whirrs and hums. We are introduced to the
main characters Phil, Jim, Harry and Andy who arrive on stage with overalls,
helmets and lights. The Stannington Brass Band then strikes up a rousing
rendition of Death or Glory.
The play is set in 1994, a couple of years after Heseltine’s pit closure scheme and a good decade on from
Scargill’s Miner’s Strikes. Money is tight but the men are kept sane by
boozing and playing in The Grimley Brass Band whilst their wives tackle
screaming children or conduct pit closure protests. The play is funny but
with serious social and political messages. The standout performance is from
Kevin Cheeseright. I was misty-eyed when he made his final speech regarding
the destructive Tory government. He perfectly captured Pete Postlethwaite’s
repertoire from the film. It was all the more poignant given the great man’s
demise last year.
Fran Larkin is on good form as
Sandra, a young mother struggling with debt. Stuart Rooker puts in a
measured performance as ladies’ man Andy. Dominic Stevenson at only 15 is
confident as Sandra’s eldest Shane, although it’s a bit of a stretch to
believe he is nine! Good use was made of a large projection-screen. In
particular, there are some amusing photos of the band (plus supporters) on
their way to the Albert Hall.